This blog is based on MY opinions, so it's okay to disagree! BUT it's NOT okay to be rude or negative on my blog! If you don't enjoy my blog and feel the need to be rude, please just click the Blogger "B" icon on the left-hand corner and read a blog you actually enjoy! Being rude is not necessary

I am NOT here for PR companies to send me free products or to get invited to events. I'm here because I love fashion & beauty and I want to share my journey of experimenting! I hope to tell you about products that I love (and maybe warn you about products I don't love) so hopefully you guys will find your list of holy grail items!

I take all my own photos (unless stated otherwise), so PLEASE do not steal my photos! I take time to try to take the perfect photos for my blog and to upload them especially for this. I feel like it adds the perfect personal touch, so if you like them try taking your own photos and maybe you'll like doing it too!(:

If there is any a time that a company asks me to promote them or sends me a product, I will tell you all! I will never share a company/product that I don't enjoy. To prove I'm not here for money or products, I will NEVER sign up for MyLikes or any website that you sign up for to sponsor a post. I feel like I shouldn't force somebody to sponsor my post or only write posts that are sponsored by a website because blogs are to share about what you love! Even if you make $0 from it!